Valentine's Day Terrarium Workshop Week

Didn't manage to get your partner/friend to this year's Valentine Terrarium Workshop? LETS PLAN FOR THE NEXT ONE!! 

See what we did for this year!!! 

It is the first year that we have Terrarium workshop designed for Valentines. All the love birds came in our studio and work on their terrarium with all the red elements such as ladybird, mushroom, fence, red preserved moss etc... special succulents were also prepared for this class. 

Love is in the air !!! We are ready to go !!! 

Cheese & Fruit platter along with tea were served. 

The cutiest thing in the succulent world- the Bear's Paw. Chubby & hairy petal along with their red fingertips. SUPER CUTE but fragile. Everyone just screamed when they accidentally broke one petal off. 

Laser focus and throw away all your stress at least for 2 hours =). Making terrarium is such a fun and relaxing activities - it is just like having a massage.